George "Kristin’s Beginning Jewelry and Metals class showed me proper techniques for using a jewelers saw and allowed me to control heat with a torch much better.  More than anything, her class opened my mind to all of the creative things that can be done with metal and most of them by using only hand tools; coming from a background where metal work involved mills and lathes this was essential.  Kristin gave me the insight to look past the small box that I was looking at and expanded my horizons in metal work."
photo by George Tapley
Professional Information: George is a native New Mexican who has worked for Intel Corporation for 16 years as a maintenance technician.  Growing up in Las Vegas, NM and then moving to Albuquerque with some bumps along the way.  George is a lifelong and passionate cyclist who puts his metal working skills into hand built creations for mankind’s most noble invention, the bicycle.

Business Contact Information: Sandia Design Works: 505.266.4529
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